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Push-Button Presidency
The second factor that looms large in the constellation of possible factors that explain Trump’s win is the number of people living in the low/mis/dis end of the…
4 min read
I just don’t like her.
Trump’s most obvious and enduring core of support consists of White Christian Nationalists. But what other factors contributed to his win in 2024? He’s always had White Christian…
4 min read
Fight or Enlight?
As I start the long process toward gaining a better understanding of why many voters supported Trump in the 2024 election (so that from there I can most…
4 min read
Freedom to Believe
One week out from the election, I’ve been replacing my usual political podcast rotation (which I listen to when doing mindless chores like yardwork or chopping vegetables) with…
4 min read
Day 3
I’m currently on the third day of my self-imposed news exile – although I admit I did learn a few tidbits talking to my son on the phone…
4 min read
The Day After
It’s the day after. And amidst my shock, disbelief, and horror, I’m trying to find a calm center. Not in a “look at the bright side” kind of…
4 min read